The Body You Want,
Down to The Last Curve.

Simply Sculpt is proud to offer truSculpt, a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment, FDA and TGA approved, that allows you to personalise your ideal body in as little as 15-minutes. With truSculpt, you can sculpt those challenging fat areas easier and permanently!

truSculpt uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to selectively target fat and therapeutically heats it until fact cells are eliminated by passing through the body natural lymphatic system.

Prices start from $300.





This procedure is versatile and effective to treat a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and presence of skin laxity. The treatment has minimal discomfort and has been compared to a hot stone massage. There is no visible downtime after the procedure and normal activity can be resumed immediately. The treatment time is dependent on the treatment size and how many areas are treated. Treatment time is from 15 minutes with results being visible after 12 weeks depending on the patient it may be sooner.

* We have found that in order to achieve the best results additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.


At Simply Sculpt we offer personalised treatment plans that help meet our patients individual fat reduction goals in order to restore confidence back into their lives.